I get a lot of questions regarding my dolls and materials, so I’ve compiled them into this page for the curious.
If you have a question that isn’t listed here, feel free to send me a message on Twitter, Instagram or by email.

What are your dolls made out of?

My dolls are first sculpted with LaDoll paper clay (both Premier and Premix variations) to create the ‘master’. I then seal and prime the doll parts with Mr. Surfacer (1000 and 1200 grit versions). I mold the parts with SmoothOn Mold Max 14NV and cast with SmoothOn SmoothCast 321. For dyes, I use SmoothOn SO-Strong dyes. They are ball-jointed and strung using elastic of different thicknesses.

What materials do you use for doll faceups?

I use Vallejo’s Premium Matt Varnish as a primer base, using a Badger Airbrush. I use Winsor & Newton acrylic paints (Professional line) and Mungyo Pastels, grated finely into powder for easier application. For pencils, I use Faber-Castell Albrecht Dürer watercolor pencils for eyelashes and other smaller details. For glossy lips, I use Mr. Color clear acrylic gloss (not solvent-based). My paintbrushes are a mix of different brands.

I buy my doll eyelashes from Nomyens they’re the best imo!

For cleaning, I use an Iwata-Medea airbrush cleaner. To wipe faceups and paint jobs on dolls and figures, I use nail polish remover (Sephora brand) and pharmaceutical Isopropyl Alcohol.